Apparently After This Touchdown, Tim Decided to Go For Two!
(Sorry. I couldn't resist!)
I continue to be surprised at the number of perfectly sane and logical people, who are so upset with Tim Tebow's success. Perhaps its simply the American love for debunking. When our "heroes" behave too well, we want to knock them on their butts. As to Tebow's kneeling and acknowledging God, at least he's offering praise for a touchdown, 6 points. I remember when I was in high school that half the basketball playing male catholics in the Monroe County League used to cross themselves frantically prior to ever foul shot they took. Tebow takes heat for his touchdown kneel and heavenly pointing, yet nobody criticized those guys for asking for divine intervention on a 1 and 1.I am reminded of the shack-like shed that protruded into the middle of Butler's backyard, the site of our neighborhood football field when I was a kid. Not unlike a referee, the shed was inbounds. Ergo, if a pass bounced off of it, it was still a live ball. This created receptions and interceptions by carom. The shed was even better used as a screen. If you could make it around left end before your pursuers, then you could dash as close to the shed as possible, hoping to use it an extra blocker, which was important when there were only 4 kids on each team. I'd like to think that at least once after a touchdown run, that I turned back and pointed to the shed, acknowledging its role in my success. But then that could raise discussion about the current bestseller titled "The Shack," and we'd be right back into a discussion of divine intervention again.
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