Monday, February 17, 2014

Why I Couldn't Work at a Holiday Inn

Crouse, Lumpjaw, Moose, and Gruffy Guard the Pillows!

I just changed the bed.  Changed the sheets, redid the blanket and spread, put on the fresh pillow cases, and such rot.  I despise this job, and usually Linda and I do it together.  But today, she was off walking the treadmill at the physical therapy center, so I decided I would do the deed alone.  I make the bed virtually everyday.  We have a longtime rule in our house.  Whoever gets out of bed last, makes the bed, and seeing that on most days, Linda gets up first, and I follow a few minutes later, I usually make the bed.  Actually, it's fair to say it is always my task, because when Linda does get up after I do, she has a tendency to forget her duty.  (Purposely, I don't know?)  She just leaves the bed unmade and heads downstair, there to forget it forever!  Because, over the years I have become rather OCD about having the made bed in our bedroom, I end up making it even if I got up first.  Now don't think that my compulsion to make our bed means I like doing it.  I can think of few jobs I despise more than making a bed.  I hate how you have to walk from one side of the bed to the other, then back again, straightening and tightening and fluffing.  I cheat a lot.  Sometimes I leave the sheet 18 inches down one bed side and 2 inches down the other so it can't even be tucked in, rather than running and pulling and tucking.  If I were forced to work in housekeeping at a major motel chain, I would run screaming from the place by my third room.  I find the thought of such employment frightening.  Truly!

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