Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I saw Kathy Vogel. . .

. . .this afternoon at the Panera's in DeWitt.  She was with a group of friends from a ceramics class.  I was on my own, having dropped Linda at the eye doctor for an examination and Lucy at PetSmart for a bath.  We talked for 10 or 15 minutes, and I was thrilled to learn that Kathy is a reader of "The Blue Moon Grille" blog.  It's great to know that people are reading and enjoying my words.
     Now to another thing dealing with writing.  While driving to Centerville on Cape Cod last week, I kept Linda from leaping from the car (she's not a happy rider when there are large trucks rolling by), listened to some CD's, looked at the scenery, and cursed out a couple of the aforementioned trucks, although most of them were being perfectly harmless, in their loud, diesel-fumy way.  And though preoccupied with those other things, the corner of mind in charge of play ideas labored on.  By the time we were at my brother's house, I was able to sit down and make a brief outline of what I believe is a satisfactory way to end the tale.
     This afternoon before Panera's I went to Barnes and Noble and bought JEFF HERMAN'S GUIDE TO BOOK PUBLISHERS, EDITORS, & LITERARY AGENTS.  It's a great source, chocked full of info, names, addresses on where to send what you would like to publish.  And because I do SUMMERPLAY and attend writer's conferences and such, I can declare it's audacious $32.27 cost on my income tax.
     I think I'm going to buy a new car tomorrow.  I think I may buy the front wheel drive version of the Mercury Mariner.  Linda has the four wheel drive version.  Mine would get 28 mph on the highway.  Is it weird if a husband and wife own basically the same car?  Is it like wearing matching sweaters?  Comments are welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Good one Greg! I think matching sweaters is completely OK as long as they are not Christmas sweaters. Just don't get the same color.
