Thursday, January 14, 2010

Here comes the sun. . .

Praise the Lord, the sun is out! There is nothing more uplifting than a shining interruption to the dismal gray of January! I won't even have to turn my "Day-Light" on today.* I need something to blog about besides the sun, though, so I think I'll do "Boots." Back in the summer, I raved against the ubiquitous flip flop. I don't feel that way about boots, at all. Boots are cool. Back when I was in college, I had desert boots and leather boots to wear with my jeans. I must admit that when I was in junior high and watched Marlon Brando in "The Wild One" on the late movie, I thought it might be cool to wear engineer boots. But guys aren't apparently into boots, anymore. Young women, though, are boot freaks. Their boots are nice--furry and non-furry, leather and suede. The only ones that give me pause are the high-heeled boots, because I can't imagine balancing on them. Case in point: We were at the dome on Sunday watching SU dispatch USF. Several rows below us sat a rather short, early 2o-ish, young lady, wearing boots with pretty darn high heels. We are in the last row of the 200 level, so people with seats below, have to climb the stairs up past us, when they go out. Twice the aforementioned young lady was sent on beer-runs. She was greatly challenged negotiating the high concrete dome steps on her way up to get the beer. She stepped carefully. The tiny heels on one of her boots wobbling each time she raised a foot and stepped up to the next level. But on the way back, with a tray of 4 sloshing beers in her hands, the descent was wobbly enough so that our entire section turned in trepidation to watch her negotiate the steps down. Once one of her heels nearly buckled, but an aware woman to her left reached up and steadied her. Never have I seen such heel wobble. Our entire section was far more entertained by the booted woman's coming and goings than by the basketball game. Why wear such boots, I had to wonder. But I suppose the answer is simple. This season the "wobble" is the price of fashion.
*The Day-Light is an amazing invention for those, who like I do, suffer from seasonal light deprivation syndrome or whatever it's called. The Day-Light brings the sun inside. I have it on for ambient light all the time on gray days when I'm working. It really works on boosting energy and warming your soul. Too bad they're expensive.

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