Thursday, February 4, 2010

From the Source: My Final Columbine Post, I Think

I blog about things I find interesting and thought provoking, and I blogged this week about the book COLUMBINE for both those reasons. But I discovered that my postings about the famous school shootings would cause an unprecedented reaction for my blogsite THE BLUE MOON GRILLE. There are people for which the truth about Columbine is and always will be a cause from the heart, an open sore, and a mission. Those people must monitor the web for others offering commentary about the tragedy.

I received thoughtful and logical commentaries from someone named Lisa. Lisa is a proponent of the theory that bullying was an integral part in causing Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold's decisions to perpetrate horrible violence. She first sent me a link for a COLUMBINE book review by Randy Brown, which I discussed in my blog yesterday. Today she sent me the link to another review of Dave Cullen's book, this one by Columbine researcher Alisa Kester. Reading the new review was illuminating. Even more illuminating was my discovery of whom I believe Lisa to be. Thank you for contacting me. Lisa, and presenting your side. Know that I was a high school English teacher for 33 years, and I despise bullying. In fact, I blogged about it on January 8. I hope you and those you represent have found some measure of peace. I hope you don't mind if I pray for you.

From the sublime, we sometimes progress to the ridiculous. I was also contacted by a blogger or organization which calls himself/itself starviego. A little research revealed that starviego is/are deep into conspiracy theory. I could almost hear the X-FILE theme and see the smiling faces of the LONE GUNMAN group. I loved those guys.

Finally, I received two comments from Dave Cullen, the author of COLUMBINE. He thanked me for my open-mindedness and provided some really interesting commentary about the arguments I set forth yesterday.

If you would like to read these comments, and you have been following me on FACEBOOK, then you need to go to my blog itself at As I've said before, the missing (.) after the w's is intentional and the final / is necessary.

I think I'll harken back to THE X-FILES for a moment. A quote that followed Mulder and Scully around was "The truth is out there." It is. I wish the best of luck to everyone who is searching for the truth about Columbine, but I'm quite sure that no book will ever please everyone. My wife is fond of saying, " 'I see,' said the blind man." I guess when I wrote my commentary on COLUMBINE some people thought that quote was devised just for me. I might be getting a touch paranoid, (does paranoia come in touches) because in searching for a photograph to illustrate my blog with today, I became worried that the one I chose might not really feature Columbine survivors. Ah, well.

If you aren't likely to go to my blog but would like to read the review of COLUMBINE, paste the web address below into your browser.

1 comment:

  1. "Even more illuminating was my discovery of whom I believe Lisa to be." I'm not sure what to make of that, exactly? I'm not an author, a reviewer or anyone with any connections to people or ties to what happened at Columbine High School. I'm just me, a person with questions about what happened at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999, and why it happened. I represent no one but myself, even though I've posted links to negative reviews and discussions regarding the book "Columbine". Those reviews and discussions are ones that I agree with for the most part but I don't represent anyone else involved in them.

    I'm still searching for answers, and I guess I should be thankful that other people are too, even if I don't always agree with what they have to say. I'm thankful that even though it's been more than 10 years since the Columbine attack occurred people are still doing this. They're still interested, still reading about it and still asking questions and still determined to find the answers to those questions.

    Thank you Motley Blogger for your thoughtful commentary regarding all of this. It's very much appreciated.
