Thursday, May 14, 2009

I launched the script. . .

. . .of ARTHUR REDUX yesterday to 50 or so drama folk throughout the Chitt. area.  I can only repeat that I have never had a harder time with a play.  I wanted to write about leadership and about the call to greatness.  I wanted to write about how a person's importance to others may come as a complete surprise to them.  There's a quote that goes something like, "some seek greatness, while others have greatness thrust upon them."  That quote is kind of what I wanted to write about.  I hope I have.  I continue to rewrite the final scene.  Even after I sent out the pdf's of ARTHUR, I went back to the original script and made another change.  I always think that plays are organic, growing and changing in every step of development.  For me, ARTHUR REDUX is a prime example.  I can't wait until we read it through next Wednesday.
    Now that I have joined it, I don't find myself looking at Facebook very often, but I did this morning.  I found three cool things.  #1.  Jon Stine has graduated from med. school.  Way to go, Jon!  #2.  Kristen Wolf is living in NYC, and as she waits for the coming good weather,  she anticipated the "warm, sweet winds of debauchery!"  Man, I wish I wrote that line!  #3.  Jake, based on a comment Beth Berger made, I am glad to see you are still fighting the good fight against the obnoxiously banal vampire/runway models of TWILIGHT!

1 comment:

  1. And I will continue to fight against Twilight for the rest of time!
