Friday, May 29, 2009

Reactions to the frick and frig debate. . .

. . .continue to arrive.  Our language with its bevy of Anglo-Saxonisms is truly an ever-changing marvel.  I certainly don't believe in saturating one's speech or prose with the profane, but sometimes an actual or euphemistic bit of the "blue" is the only thing that will fit.  Should I post a poll on the relative merits of "shoot" vs. "sugar?"
The family is beginning to arrive.  One sister-in-law and one mother-in-law are here.  The mother-in-law naps while the sister-in-law is off pilfering wild flowers with the wife.  Later today, the daughter and son-in-law will arrive, and we will barbecue Zweigel's Hot Dogs.  Made in Rochester, they are the ultimate tube steak.  To be truly great they need to be served with mustard, onions and Bill Gray's Hot Sauce.
        I did a bit of rewriting this morning.  I went back and straightened out a conversation that had been bothering me since I wrote it 2 years ago.  In doing so, I think I made the character a bit less self-important, which was my intention. 
        The font I'm blogging with is called "Lucida Grande."  Whenever I scroll down to it, I can't help but think of a large Spanish woman.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog, really I do. I want to take a writing class from you, something I never had the opportunity to do in school. I love writing, but wish I was a little better at it. Grammar and punctuation is where I fail the most, I'm just never sure if I should use that extra comma or not, you know? (I love commas)
